This is the original artwork from the brochure describing this solar project that was constructed on the West Campus of North Carolina State University.
When the academic projects associated with the 99 collector system were completed, the system was decomissioned and placed on a State Surplus bid. Enertia purchased it, dismantled it, and transported it to the Enertia factory site.
With the help of a crane, each panel was unfastened, strapped, and lifted onto a rollback truck. We started at the top, uncovering the framework as we progressed.
The devil is in the details. These pictures will help us as we reassemble the framework for the system.
We needed a car on-site to run errands related to the job, so for two weeks, we brought the Saab on the empty truck in the morning and drove it home following the full truck in the afternoon.
The blue metal poles in at the bottom of the photo are the posts of the framework which have been cleaned, rustproofed and painted in anticipation of reassembling the system outside the Enertia factory north of Raleigh, NC during the Summer of 2010.